L’ouvrage intitulé « Environmental Law Dimensions of Human Rights » sera publié en février 2015. (Ben Boer (ed.), Environmental Law Dimensions of Human Rights, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, 288 p.).
La présentation de l’éditeur est comme suit : « This book canvasses a range of law and policy issues concerning human rights and the environment. Each chapter examines an aspect of the links between environmental law and human rights in substantive and/or procedural terms, loosely falling into four themes: human rights and the environment in the context of the private sector; analysis of decisions of the European and Inter-American courts in respect of substantive and procedural aspects; human rights and the environment in the Asian region, including the issue of human displacement; and the future direction of human rights and environment law ». (Pour l’intégralité de la présentation et la table des matières consultez http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/academic/law/environment/9780198736141.do )
Source: http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/academic/law/environment/9780198736141.do
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