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European Trade Union Institute for Research, Education and Health and Safety (ETUI-REHS)

Latest news

ELNEP releases its spring forecast

The European Labour Network for Economic Policy (ELNEP) releases today (8th May 2008) its spring forecast. The forecast covers main economic developments and presents forecasts and scenarios for the euro area for 2008 and 2009. A companion chapter analyses developments on the euro area labour market since 1999.
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Presentation of book "Social Developments in the European Union 2007", 13.5.2008, Brussels
Pierre Jonckheer, Chairman of the Observatoire social européen asbl and MEP, has the pleasure of inviting you to a discussion marking the publication of "Social Developments in the European Union 2007".
Event organised by the OSEETUI-REHS and the Greens/European Free Alliance
13 May from 9:30 to 12:30, European Parliament building, Brussels
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New publication: Bargaining issues in Europe: comparing countries and industries

What drives low pay in Europe? Who and what sectors are affected? Which workers work very long or very short hours and miss out on training opportunities In this study, produced by the University of Amsterdam/AIAS, these are some of the questions posed for thirteen industries in nine EU member states. The study ranks the industries according to problems on working time, pay, training, bargaining coverage, and stress and discusses how these problems affect different groups of workers including men and women, younger and older workers and workers with higher and lower levels of education. read more

New publication: Benchmarking Working Europe 2008

Since the launch of the Lisbon Strategy, the ETUC together with the ETUI-REHS has produced an annual Benchmarking publication for the European Social Summit. Its aim is to establish what progress has been made in selected areas of importance to workers and which are of crucial significance for a Social Europe. This year’s report tackles the issue of Europe's social reality. It highlights in particular the issues of quality employment and the need to ensure that the European workforce receives a fair share of economic gains. Read more

New Directors at ETUI-REHS

Following the meeting of the ETUC Executive Committee on 4-5 March the following appointments have now been confirmed:
  • Maria Jepsen - Director of Research, ETUI-REHS
  • Georges Schnell - Director of Education, ETUI-REHS
  • Laurent Vogel - Director of Health and Safety, ETUI-REHS
  • Philippe Pochet was appointed General Director in February.