



  • Chaque annee depuis pres de 10 ans, l'ONG russe l'Institut Siberien d'Initiatives Ecologiques accueille des etudiants etrangers (Allemagne, Autriche, Etats-Unis) qui souhaitent se specialiser dans les domaines de l'ecologie, la botanique, la geologie, la geomorphologie, et autres disciplines liees a l'environnement.

    A cet effet l'association organise des expeditions scientifiques dans differentes zones naturelles de Siberie. Ces expeditions se veulent avant tout des stages d'approfondissement et de perfectionnement des connaissances, ainsi qu'une sensibilisation aux problemes ecologiques en Russie.
    Les programmes d'education sont ainsi toujours developpes en cooperation avec des professeurs etrangers encadrant le voyage.

    L'intention actuelle de cette association est d'accentuer ses partenariats avec l'etranger afin de creer un centre d'etude et de recherche international pour le developpement durable en Siberie. Ce dernier fait egalement l'objet actuellement d'un projet TEMPUS TACIS auprs de l'Union Europenne.

    Ci-dessous, la lettre d'intention destinee aux professeurs scientifiques francais, redige par les professeurs Barsukov de Russie et Siewert d'Allemagne, les initiateurs du projet :

    The Siberian Institute of Ecological Initiatives
    Suite 305,
    18 St. Sovetskaya 630099 Novosibirsk Russia
    Phone: +7 383 222 5088
    Fax: +7 383 222 1746
    Email :

    New cooperation initiative of Siberian Institute for Ecological Initiatives (Russia)

    Thirteen years of successful experience in conducting excursions and summer schools with West European scientists and students allows us to suggest new ways of environmental education together with foreign professors working in areas of basic and applied natural sciences (e.g. ecol-ogy, soil science, botany, geology, geomorphology, physical geography, landscape architecture and planning, forestry, and agriculture).
    The professors will get possibility to organize their teaching events (such as excursions, expedi-tions, summer schools etc.) for their students in Siberia with our comprehensive help getting ac-cess to
    - untouched Siberian landscapes of great beauty with high level of biodiversity along differ-ent biogeographic latitudinal zones and altitudinal belts
    - guidance of field courses, seminars and lectures by leading Russian scientists with excel-lent didactic skills and good knowledge of foreign languages (English, German)
    - full-day service delivered by experienced Russian service team (including kitchen staff) even in field conditions
    - getting contacts with leading scientists in Siberian research institutes, universities, acad-emies, laboratories, organizations, authorities and enterprises in different cities
    - reliable service in organization and management (mutual references are available).
    Taking into account specific scientific and/or educational interests and tasks of foreign profes-sor/scientist, the Siberian specialists will beforehand develop a proper plan of a teaching event including route chart of a field excursion or will adapt our already existing well-developed excursion routes and programs to a special task.
    It is worth to underscore that the team of Siberian specialists are able to help a foreign professor to organize and manage both excursions with an emphasis on natural untouched ecosystems and specialized courses on the most important environmental themes such as sustainable land use, ecologically clean production technologies, nature protection and conservation, soil erosion and contamination, global warming, greenhouse gases production, water supply, desertification, water-logging etc.
    Making this offer we anticipate to
    - expand cooperation in environmental researches with untouched by human activities eco-systems in Siberia as reference objects
    - get funding to develop the unique education possibilities in Siberia from national and inter-national funds
    - be involved in research projects and environmental educational programs, including pro-posals to European Commission in the fields of mutual interest
    - get more possibilities to maintain biodiversity and natural resources in Siberia.
    The most of involved Siberian scientists are working in different research institutions of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences and are formally organized into interregional NGO “Sibe-rian Institute for Ecological Initiatives”. The NGO was arranged by support of some German Uni-versities in particular Berlin TU and University of Applied Sciences Freising-Weihenstephan. At present the core group includes specialists from Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Cen-tral Siberian botanical garden, Institute of Ecology and Water, Institute of Geography, Institute of Ecology and Systematic of Animals, Institute of Human Ecology. As well as several professors from the following Siberian universities are active members: Tomsk State University, Novosibirsk State University, Altai State University and Irkutsk State University.
    So it s obvious that that there is an exceptional possibility to make summer excursions for students in Siberia in order to illustrate different problems in ecology, soil science, botany, geology, geo-morphology, physical geography and other basic and applied natural sciences in World scale on Siberian examples.
    Should you have any queries or proposals, please contact the executive director of Siberian Insti-tute for Ecological Initiatives Dr. Barsukov in Novosibirsk, Russia (e-mail:, tel.: +7 3832 225088)
    or PD Dr. Ch.Siewert at the University of Applied Sciences Freising-Weihenstephan (e-mail:, tel.: 030 5031797).
    More information about our current teaching activities your will find on our internet sites: (in English) or (in German).

    P.A. Barsukov
    Director of Siberian Institute
    for Ecological Initiatives, PhD

    CONTACT en francais:
    Emilie FAUQUEMBERG -
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