Comme à chaque année, le Destree Institute a participé au Comité de planification du Projet du Millénaire (MP-PC) et à la conférence internationale du World Future Society (WFS) intitulée "Passer de la vision à l'action", qui avait lieu à Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique au Canada, du 7 au 11 Juillet 2011.
Pendant le Projet du Millénaire, présidé par Jerome C. Glenn et Theodore J. Gordon, la directrice de recherche du Destree Institute et directrice-fondatrice de Millennia 2015 " Femmes acteurs du développement pour les enjeux mondiaux ", Marie-Anne Delahaut, en tant que membre du conseil du Projet du Millénaire de la Région de Bruxelles, ", a présenté les aboutissements de la recherche projetée qui aboutira à la conférence internationale " Millennia2015, Un plan d'action pour l'autonomisation des femmes " organisée par le Destree Institute et par l'UNESCO à son siège à Paris, lundi 21 et mardi 22 novembre 2011, en présence de Mme Irina Bokova, Directrice générale de l'UNESCO. Les explications concernant la méthodologie de la recherche de Millennia2015 seront données par Eleonora Masini, Theodore J. Gordon, Elizabeth Florescu, Jerome C. Glenn et Philippe Destatte et seront organisées le dimanche 20 et mercredi 23 Novembre 2011.
[Traduction libre du texte original anglais reproduit ci-dessous].
Vancouver 2011: Millennia2015 confirmed partnership with The Millennium Project and the World Future Society
As every year, The Destree Institute has participated in The Millennium Project Planning Committee (MP-PC) and in the World Future Society (WFS) international conference "Moving from Vision to Action", hosted this year in Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada, 7-11 July 2011.
During the MP-PC chaired by Jerome C. Glenn and Theodore J. Gordon, Marie-Anne Delahaut, as member of the Board of the Millennium Project Brussels Area Node, Director of research at The Destree Institute, Head and founder of Millennia2015 "Women actors of development for the global challenges", has presented the outputs of the foresight research process leading to the international conference "Millennia2015, An action plan for women's empowerment" organized by The Destree Institute and the UNESCO at its headquarters in Paris, Monday 21 and Tuesday 22 November 2011, in the presence of Mrs Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO . Millennia2015 Foresight research methodology qualifying training sessions given by Eleonora Masini, Theodore J. Gordon, Elizabeth Florescu, Jerome C. Glenn and Philippe Destatte will be organized on Sunday 20 and Wednesday 23 November 2011.
During the WFS conference, Marie-Anne Delahaut has organized a special meeting hosted by the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre in the presence of Timothy C. Mack, president of the World Future Society, to valorize the networking strength of Millennia2015, a think and action tank gathering 1.400 members from 77 countries, who have already sent 243 answers to Millennia2015 ongoing foresight exercise. Many members of Millennia2015 were present in Vancouver (see pictures). Millennia2015 regional Communities (such as Benin, Goma-RDC, Nepal and Senegal) and International Working Groups (such as WeHealth, Women1325 and Women in Science) are very active.
During these two events, The Millennium Project, the World Future Society and their partners reasserted their full and entire support to Millennia2015, organized under the high patronage of the UNESCO. Millennia2015 acts for gender equality, women's empowerment, respect of human's rights for women and girls, their full participation to political, economic and social decisions in cooperation with men, working together for the construction of more ethics and respectful futures in line with the Millennium Development Goals, the World Summit on the Information Society, the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women and, of course, UN Women. Millennia2015 examines futures issues that will have a strong influence on women's life in the knowledge society in every country, and their responsibilities with regards to their evolution at a global level, in order to build fairer and more ethic futures at the horizon 2025. Built with the support of the International Organization of la Francophonie and structured through three international conferences organized by The Destree Institute - Liege in 2008, Paris with the UNESCO in 2011 and New York with the United Nations in 2015 - and Millennia2015 is developing with high intensity and will impact on the political agenda at all levels.
In Vancouver, during the MP-PC, Ted Gordon, Jerry Glenn and Elizabeth Florescu have presented the Millennium Project 2011 State of the Future, to be published in August 2011.
Philippe Destatte, Director general of The Destree Institute, chair of the MP Brussels Area Node and recently elected for a 3-years mandate to the MP Board of Directors, has contributed to the MP Board Meeting held at the end of the MP Planning Committee and he has chaired the WFS session "Futurists' Views from Around the World" (see pictures). Michaël Van Cutsem, Director of research at The Destree Institute and chair of its Foresight Unit, has also participated to the WFS conference "Moving from Vision to Action". Marie-Anne Delahaut has happily won the free registration offered by the WFS to its 2012 Conference in Toronto: it will be an excellent opportunity to develop the outputs of Millennia2015 Action Plan for Women's Empowerment.
Texte original (767 hits)
09/12/24 à 13h08 GMT