
Publication d’un ouvrage de référence sur le commerce et l’environnement

  • Publication d’un ouvrage de référence sur le commerce et l'environnement : « Trade and Environment: A Resource Book » par l’Institut international de développement durable (IISD).

    Cet ouvrage est le fruit de la collaboration de 61 auteurs provenant de 34 pays. Il traite de plusieurs questions reliées aux relations entre le commerce et les politiques environnementales afin de les démystifier tout en amenant les nuances critiques à leur bonne compréhension. Il expose plusieurs sujets actuels de discussion et de débats dans ce domaine et définit certaines les existantes.

    Adil NAJAM, Mark HALLE, Ricardo MELÉNDES-ORTIZ, Trade and Environment: A Resource Book, IISD, 2007.

    La table des matières se détaille comme suit :

    Acronyms and Abbreviations
    A User’s Guide – Adil Najam, Mark Halle and Ricardo Meléndez-Ortiz

    Section I: Setting the Context

    • The Evolution of the Trade and Environment Debate at the WTO – Hugo Cameron
    Expert Opinion: The future of the trade and environment debate – Hector Torres
    Expert Opinion: It’s time to make the global debate local – K.G. Anthony Hill

    • The Trade and Environment Policy Formulation Process – Doaa Abdel Motaal
    Expert Opinion: The case for integrated assessment – Hussein Abaza
    Expert Opinion: Policy should be made through negotiation, not litigation – Sabrina Shaw

    Section II: Issues and Debates

    • Agriculture – Malena Sell
    Expert Opinion: Agriculture, environment and social justice – Adriano Campolina
    Expert Opinion: Dealing with the hidden agenda on agricultural subsidies – Vangelis Vitalis

    • Biotechnology – Heike Baumüller
    Expert Opinion: Making the Cartagena Protocol work – Veit Koester
    Expert Opinion: Biotechnology and the multilateral trading system – Gustavo Alanís-Ortega

    • Capacity Building – Christophe Bellmann
    Expert Opinion: The Andean experience on capacity building – Luisa Elena Guinand and María Elena Gutiérrez

    • Climate Change and Energy – Malena Sell
    Expert Opinion: Doing trade and climate policy together – ZhongXiang Zhang
    Expert Opinion: Can trade be an instrument of climate policy? – Gao Pronove

    • Dispute Resolution – Howard Mann and Yvonne Apea
    Expert Opinion: Reforming the DSU – Welber Barral
    Expert Opinion: PPMs, trade law and the environment – Robert Howse

    • Environmental Goods and Non-agricultural Market Access – Nathalie Bernasconi-Osterwalder, Linsey Sherman and Mahesh Sugathan
    Expert Opinion: Liberalization of environmental goods: A double-edged sword or a panacea? – Beatrice Chaytor
    Expert Opinion: Are environmental goods good for the South? – Magda Shahin

    • Environmental Services – Mahesh Sugathan and Johannes Bernabe
    Expert Opinion: Making trade liberalization work for the poor – Sitanon Jesdapipat

    • Environmental Technologies – Sandeep Singh
    Expert Opinion: Encouraging trade in biofuels – Suani Teixeira Coelho

    • Fisheries Subsidies – Anja von Moltke
    Expert Opinion: Fisheries subsidies and beyond – John Kurien
    Expert Opinion: Fixing Cotonou’s rules of origin regime – Roman Grynberg and Natallie Rochester

    • Illegal Trade in Natural Resources – Duncan Brack
    Expert Opinion: Illegal trade in tropical timber – Chen Hin Keong

    • Intellectual Property Rights – David Vivas-Eugui and Heike Baumüller
    Expert Opinion: The limits of geographical indications – Dwijen Rangnekar
    Expert Opinion: Protecting genetic resources – Manuel Ruiz
    Expert Opinion: Focusing on the local agenda – Stella Wattimah Simiyu

    • Investment – Luke Eric Peterson
    Expert Opinion: Investment rules for sustainable development – Konrad von Moltke
    Expert Opinion: Investment law as if development mattered – Marcos A. Orellana

    • Multilateral Environmental Agreements – Vicente Paola B. Yu III
    Expert Opinion: The logic of the WTO-MEA relationship – Alejandro Jara
    Expert Opinion: MEA misconceptions and contradictions – Rob Monro

    • Policy Coherence – Otto Genee
    Expert Opinion: Promoting policy coherence – Bernice Wing Yee Lee
    Expert Opinion: New policy coherence challenges – Stéphane Guéneau

    • Regional Arrangements – Aaron Cosbey
    Expert Opinion: Fostering sustainable development with RTAs – Hank Lim and Matthew Walls
    Expert Opinion: The “shadow” trading system of RTAs – Adil Najam and Dirk Swart

    • Standards and Labelling – Tom Rotherham
    Expert Opinion: Eco-labels from a Southern perspective – Veena Jha
    Expert Opinion: Confronting eco-labelling myths – Nicola Borregaard and Annie Dufey

    • Trade Facilitation – Luke Eric Peterson
    Expert Opinion: Putting the environment into trade facilitation – Sachin Chaturvedi

    Section III: Resources

    The Doha Ministerial Declaration: Annotating the Trade and Environment Linkages – Adil Najam and Trineesh Biswas
    A Trade and Environment Timeline – Compiled by Trineesh Biswas
    A Trade and Environment Glossary – Compiled by Sarah Mohan and Heike Baumüller
    Online and In-print Resources – Compiled by Sarah Mohan, Heike Baumüller and Ruth
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